Discover Your API Attack Surface

Get a free personalized security assessment to better understand your vulnerabilities.

How vulnerable are your APIs?

API Spyder uses a predictive crawling technique on your public domain to discover exposed resources. See what an attacker may see from outside your enterprise environment. Get an attacker's view into your organization.

No software or traffic redirects

Provides a view into attacker-facing resources

Allows you to quickly prioritize remediation efforts by severity

Why API Spyder?


Read what our clients say about us

Cequence helped bolster and protect our APIs from all forms of risk. As a platform designed to drive long-term customer loyalty, we appreciate their dedication to help further protect the brands we serve.

Ram Ravichandran  | CTO of Narvar

Cequence Security exceeds our requirements for runtime API visibility and protection.

VP of Security | Large Global Telecom Service Provider

API Spyder Product Features

Protection Against Log4j Attacks

Confirm public-facing servers throughout your digital supply chain are no longer vulnerable to exploits such as Log4j attacks.

Identify All Public-Facing API Domains

Predictive crawling technology discovers publicly exposed API domains to help you eliminate shadow APIs.

Confirm Your API Hosting Footprint

Get visibility into all your API hosting locations including public clouds, datacenter providers, CDNs and SaaS services.

Take Action on Findings

Generate executive summary reports and remediation notifications to reduce your public-facing attack surface area.

Continuous Attack Surface Monitoring

Schedule regular, no-impact API protection assessments to track progress and ensure no new resources are exposed outside of your defined process or security policy.

Industry Recognition

How Does API Spyder Work?

API Spyder discovers public-facing API servers without requiring any changes or deployments in your organization. It is a multi-tenant SaaS service that only requires the user to enter a top-level domain name (TLD) and then API Spyder uses the TLD to discover API servers publicly exposed under that domain. It crawls each such server with an intelligent crawling technology that can uncover common API paths exposed, including login/auth endpoints, health metrics, exposed files, and other common implementations of API servers.

Public cloud hosted and non-production API servers (e.g.

Hosting providers on which these API servers are hosted (e.g. CDN, IaaS, or WAF providers)

REST and GraphQL type of endpoints

Internal API endpoints like health/monitoring endpoint and Swagger/OpenAPI specifications visible publicly

What Do I Get?

API Spyder will show you your publicly visible API servers and associated resources including:

See What Attackers See

Agentless discovery tool with no software or traffic redirects required, and provides a view into attacker-facing resources.